Ep 20: Habit Hype Challenge Week 3/4!

It's challenge week 3/4 baby! This week is all about mindset habits (yes a mindset is a habit!) and handling hardships in life. It blew my mind when I realized how you can change your mindset; so many people train about the importance of positivity, money mindset, etc but very few explain how the heck to change them for the better. In this episode we dive in to restructuring our current mindsets AND we discuss how habits can get you through the hard stuff. Listen in to revamp that mindset and arm yourself with the tools needed to not only conquer a tough season but come out stronger! 

Habit Hype for Summer 6 week challenge: https://fierce-producer-9304.ck.page/8d043bc966

IG: https://www.instagram.com/_angela_jones/

Website, current offers, free downloads: www.ownyoupro.com